Amplifying the voices of women to live and lead authentically.

Hi, I am Carlisha, founder and CEO of Amplify for Women.

I started my executive leadership journey in the C-Suite at a young age.

Throughout my journey, I experienced the highs of sitting in board rooms to impact the lives of over 700,000 students in my state, leading diverse teams across the country to award-winning outcomes, inspiring sold-out audiences as an international keynote speaker, and traveling the globe to build social enterprises that have touched over 9,000 girls in over 40 countries. On the other hand, I have also experienced extreme lows of microagressions, being doubted, questioned, and at times flat out ignored as a Black woman in predominantly white male spaces. I have sat in far too many rooms as "the only" at the table. I always knew I didn't want to just pull up a chair, I had a vision to build a new table.

Leadership coaching, training and development played a critical role in my career acceleration.

However, I often found those training experiences sought to fit me into a mold that did not reflect to my lived experience and intersectionality as a woman of color. I wanted authentic development experiences to cultivate my personal leadership style to grow teams and organizations. What I could not find, I created. Amplify for Women provides growth opportunities within a community that nurtures holistic growth both personally and professionally.

Amplify for Women is developing leaders and closing the wealth gap.

Thus far, we have supported women on their journey to executive leadership, resulting in over $1,000,000 in increased revenue from career promotion, organization funding secured, and public speaking income. We are a catalyst for a new era of inclusive leadership by cultivating a generation of women who fearlessly break barriers, spearhead positive change as influential executives, and drive unprecedented innovation.